
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Television Report

Yesterday I was interviewed for an upcoming arts program for local PBS station WSKG. It was as interesting and fun, and weird, as I thought it would be. We started at Cherry Branch Gallery and video was taken of me detailing the display of each piece in the show--I think there might be some nice close-ups of my hands moving the work around here. Then more video was taken of the individual works on their own and the show as a whole. Next we went to my studio for the interview in which I was asked questions about memory, handcrafted work, the Island of 14,264 Days and the time Amy Lee of Evanescence wore my jewelry to the Grammys, among others. We did a couple of takes due to noise and I tried really hard to sound as natural as I could. It did not feel natural, however, and even though it will probably sound just fine, I have a hunch I won't feel like I did a good job. I also imagine it will be hard for me to watch the final piece. It's just so strange to see oneself like this! It seems like I forgot everything and stumbled with my words… As I sat there, I realized, it's no wonder I feel so strange, I just don't have a lot of experience with live interviews. Most interviews I do happen via email and I have a chance to be really thoughtful with my responses. As with anything, I know I would get better with these live ones with practice.

In addition to the interview, I also worked at my bench and did some soldering. The day was finished with details of my studio, my tools and my collections. All in all, it was very interesting to be a part of and I am excited for the opportunity. I enjoyed watching Christy and Stacey from WSKG set up the shots and get the lighting and sound just right. A GoPro camera was used, as well, and it is quiet possibly the cutest camera I have ever seen.

Thanks for reading. 

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