
Thursday, July 9, 2009

jewelry "club"

i started a jewelry club for local jewelers a few months ago. the penland area and surrounding communities are loaded with artists and there are a bunch of great jewelers among them. with the help of stacey lane, once of those great local jewelers, i compiled a list and sent an email invitation. we meet monthly and july marks our 5th one. the first two meetings were at my studio and subsequent meetings have been hosted by other members, like marvin jensen and adam whitney. we started with a "show and tell" of our work and had our first critique in june. other meeting ideas include our upcoming "studio tips and tricks" (in which members will swap helpful ideas and solutions), teaching and workshop ideas, business practices, artists talks, studio tours, and guest artists. we are also planning quarterly critiques. i am pretty excited about the response to this venture. we've had consistent attendance and everyone seems really enthusiastic.

the picture above includes from left lisa bruns, john lara, david trophia, deb karash, matt willig, adam whitney, and stacey lane.

other members include:
angela bubash
lilith neilander
paige davis
john renick
day dotson
marvin jensen
jim charneski

thanks for reading.


klineola said...

Sounds Fun! I know Stacey is excited. Just don't schedule the same night as Clay Club and we'll have no problems. :-)

Laura Johnson said...

Fabulous! I've loved watching the development of your studio and wish you and 'the club' all the best!

You have been chosen by me to receive a lovely blog award. You can get the award picture from my blog.

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1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.

2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.

3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

Lusanda. M said...

Hi Amy
My name is Lusanda. Jewellery student in South Africa and I love follow your blog. I like your idea about the jewellery club. I might try the same thing here. There are lots of jewellers trying to do things alone. i think it would be good to get together to share ideas and encourage each other. Thanks for a wondeful idea. And let me know what your club gets up to i could steal some of your ideas.